*Dinner Party*
Saturday, October 31, 2009
9:00pm - 11:00pm
Andalous Moroccan Restaurant at 3307 N Clark St
Please join us in celebrating QB's birthday at Andalous Moroccan Restaurant. Morocco is an exotic land of endless natural beauty that harmonizes with exquisite architecture, presenting a feast for the eyes, and a revelation for the spirit. At Andalous Restaurant they bring you culinary delights prepared in the genuine tradition of Moroccan culture. Any native Moroccan will tell you that the very best Moroccan cuisine is eaten at home, lovingly prepared by the lady of the house with the entire family gathered together to enjoy the abundant servings.
Please visit the restaurant's web page at:
The average entree is about $15 and with drinks, etc, expect to pay about $30. Because reservations are required, please SERIOUSLY RSVP in order to be included. You can RSVP by adding yourself to the Facebook event invite @ www.facebook.com/qbofdamidwest or hit me with a DM @ www.twitter.com/qbofdamidwest
P.S. We will be going out afterwards so, dress to impress and feel free to wear a costume if you like!!!